Bakes Recipes

Cranberry & Pistachio Cookies

What to do on a summer’s day by the beach when the sun doesn’t shine? Why, bake cookies, of course!

Regular readers will know that I do like being by the beach (searching ‘beach’ via my site search bar throws up no less than 10 different posts).

This week I am staying by the beach on the English south coast, and have already been for a dip in the sea. However, today it’s rather overcast and a little drizzly – hey, it is the British summer after all! Sun is forecast for the rest of the week so, for this one grey day, I decided to pursue other activities.

Which naturally involves some baking. Not wanting to stock up unnecessarily on ingredients, I had the brainwave of shopping at the local refillery – Almond & Co in Westbourne. They have a terrific range of staple foods and will sell as much or as little of each as needed, to take away in your own refillable container.

I decided to make a batch of cookie dough, using their organic dried cranberries and organic shelled pistachios. Here is the haul from my visit, all items individually weighed, priced and bar-coded.

I bought just the right amount of organic plain flour, and to make things a little different, added organic buckwheat flour at a ratio of 1:3 to the plain. My dough also contains the zest of one of their organic, unwaxed lemons.

Notice any trend here? Yes, everything sold is organic. As a refillery, they are also free of plastic packaging. I think it’s good to support a shop that is trying to help us all live and eat more sustainably.

I’m pleased with the results – see my main photo at the top of the post. It just shows that being away from home does not have to mean missing out on home baking, as long as there is a good refillery nearby.


Makes about 18 cookies.


15 mins to prepare, 15 – 20 mins to bake (shorter if you like your cookies soft and chewy, longer for crisper and more biscuity).

You Will Need

  • 175g spread or margarine
  • 85g caster sugar
  • 170g plain flour
  • 55g buckwheat flour
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 75g dried cranberries
  • 75g shelled pistachio nuts


  1. Heat the oven to 180C.
  2. Put the spread and sugar in a bowl and beat together, using a wooden spoon or electric mixer if you have one.
  3. Sieve in the flours, add the lemon zest and mix again.
  4. Chop the pistachios in 2 and add to the bowl with the cranberries.
  5. At this point you need to get your hands in there and squidge all the ingredients together into a ball of dough. Remove the dough from the bowl, wrap in cling film, and leave in the fridge till the oven is up to temperature.
  6. Line a baking tray with some kitchen parchment. Tear chunks off the dough and shape into a ball between the palms of your hands. Flatten to a disc the width of about 1cm and place on the tray. Place in the oven for 15 – 20 mins until done.
  7. It isn’t necessary to cook all the dough at once. I used half and made 9 cookies, leaving the other half in the fridge to make up another batch later.

Customise It!

This baking idea involves using the resources available while away from your usual kitchen. It is easily adaptable to include other kinds of dried fruit or chopped nuts that you may be able to get your hands on. I swapped in buckwheat flour for a quarter of the plain flour, because the refillery I was shopping in had an excellent range of flours that I wanted to take advantage of. However, you can stick with all plain flour if you wish. I found the buckwheat gives the cookie a slightly darker colour and makes it crisper.

All being well, by this weekend’s post I will be able to report the return of the sun. Maybe I’ll take some cookies to enjoy at the beach. The next track added to the ADK Playlist needs no explanation – Kate Bush with Cloudbusting!

10 replies on “Cranberry & Pistachio Cookies”

I don’t bake. I am no beach baby. I think I have tasted buckwheat just once in my life. But… BUT reading this post has left me with a feeling that smells and tastes a lot like contentment, something we all seek in all the wrong places. One particular thing I loved about this post is you picked up everything organic which I am crazy about as well! You might find it odd that I don’t recognise the bit of music you leave at the fag end of the piece…Although I should feel like an old hag.. I don’t 🤣 There’s so much to discover out here and I am excited!! Thank you for this!

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Thanks! Talking and reading about cooking, especially comfort food like freshly baked cookies, can evoke memories and feelings of warmth and contentment. Glad this post took you to a happy place 🙂

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